
Copyright provides exclusive right(s) to the author(s) for their literary and artistic works. The main objective of such protection is to encourage and reward creative work. Copyright protects the form of ideas and NOT the idea itself. The protection in copyright shall subsist through out the lifetime of the author plus 60 years beginning from the next calendar year from the year of his/her demise.
Copyright as provided by the Indian Copyright Act 1957 is also valid  in the country abroad as India is a member of  international conventions such as Berne Convention etc. on copyright and neighbouring (related) rights.
Copyright protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, cinematographic work and sound recording such as

  • Books, poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, Title of the books/Movies, Advertisement slogan, Question, Papers, Panchang, Catalogues, Compilations, News, Letters, Questionnaire, Lectures, Computer Programmes, Databases, Literary work involved in a work which is used or is capable of being used in relation to any goods    etc. under Literary work.
  • a painting, a sculpture, a drawing (including a diagram, map, chart or plan), an engraving, a photograph, an architectural work of art, Artistic work involved in a work (Logo/Device) which is used or is capable of being used in relation to any goods etc. under Artistic work.

  • any graphical notation of the music etc. under Musical work
  • Drama, theatre etc. under Dramatic work
  • Feature film, Documentary, Video, TV film etc . under Cinematographic work.       

Service offered by ITAG -

  • Registration of Copyrights
  • Drafting Deed of Assignment and Licensing Agreement
  • Litigation Support